1) Tell about yourself. 2) What is materialize view and how will you refresh it?... 3) What is force view. 4) Have you created tables in your project?. 5) What is mean by primary key and foreign key? and difference between that. 6) How to delete constraints related data from a table. 7) If you delete primary key data what kind of error will occur?. 8) What is mean by Subquery. 9) Difference between subquery and correlated subquery. 10) Have you used sql loader in your project. 11) Uses of sql loader and what kinds of data will you load. 12) If you load date related data(some records not in sql date format) in sql loader. What will happen?. 13) Difference between procedure and function. 14) Which version of database currently using in your project? 15) What is package specification. 16) How to declare global variable in package? 17) How to tune a sql query for better performance? 18) About cursor. 19) About refcursor. 20) If you give privileage(grant) repeatedly for a particular schema, What will happen?.